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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm observant and sensitive. Yeah but I don't know whether this is good or bad.
I care about every little things.Sometimes I have some bad minds too but I always control myself dont show or do it . Because I know once I do that, I would definitely lose person that I care for so long. ... Being observant isn't a good thing sometimes, I get jealous easily . I understand this is just pure friendship but once I care about you as my bestie ,I will hope to be ur first option .

I knew I'm a loser forever . In friendship.
To be honest,I really dislike people give some comments like I should automatically get out from u two when there is a choice u have to make. Why ? I can said that I've put alot of effort among our friendship . I always think about you when I have good things or news. I know u take me as ur best friend too. But just that little things, yeah I care too much. Thankyou so much for being my side for all the time. I know u dont know I've a blog so I choose to write at here.It's awkward u know.I know you not really good at expressing ur feelings :x

Next year probably we will be in different class already.Anyway, I hope our distance wouldn't get further :x you know who you're . Thanks for everything. You're the third person I care for in my lifetime as a friend. I already loose some of them [you know who they're.] 

p.s : I know my english was bad and yeah I want to improve it so I try to write something in english. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


可是每一次来到键盘前却很多都写不出来 .........

就被选上了负责广告 [是我真心有兴趣的
也希望趁筹委会这事 ......x

今天叶志敢语重心长地对我说了一句 就是不听话
真的他妈的该死 怎么写着写着去写成了 《最暖和的拥抱》-.-
应该坚持选择论文的啊啊啊 .......

真的不喜欢被比较 尤其是被在乎的人比较。


我们有8个月多没正面说话了 ')

我不懂你 你好难懂 我读不懂

Sunday, December 22, 2013


8A 意外地觉得很 downnnnn...............
疼痛盖过了喜悦? LOL.

开始的事还是有的 动了手术感觉整个人自由了
想到往后可以穿漂亮的裙子  Heeeeeeeeeee :)
相比起来 成绩真的不算什么 :')

感谢那些给予我支持的朋友们 <3 p="">
希望新年前赶地回学校 我会很想念你们的 T.T

生孩子是十级痛的话 我想我这手术也有7-8级了吧 -.-
当你背后被割了一刀也就算了 再发高烧 再胃胀风
一夜间呕吐了10次 zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

说真的 手术室真不是盖的 HAHAHAHAHA
不过也没有拍戏那么恐怖 .______.
竟然给我很温馨的感觉 竟然怀念起来 ==

今年的假期我想是没得往外跑了 :x
圣诞啊圣诞 ......................

话说长高了 2.5cm yayyyyyy :D
(隔壁房的4cm 好爽 T.T
终于有171了 好开心哈哈哈哈哈 .

好吧突然间想到冷都男的 chicken not my style 

好想吃炸鸡 ..............
还有 KL Kampachi japanese restaurant 怎么那么赞
penang equatorial 的真的好难吃 -.-

想念那个 166元的 beef sukiyaki ...........................